Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Most Merry Disfigurement

The scene is not uncommon

A man is wistfully traveling on the path with a cart in his hands and dreams his heart. He begins whistling a merry tune and pondering the loveliness of life and the earth around him. The merry creatures of the woods join him in dance, and they have a most joyous time.

That is when some asshole comes and slits his throat. The asshole then proceeds to cut each limb off one by one, relishing in the violence. Once he is done with the corpse that was once a merry man he proceeds to slaughter each and every animal that dared to dance to a happy tune

The asshole walks off pleased with his work. Not long after, the merry man reassembles himself, as death does not exist in this particular world. He waits for the creatures to resurrect and he continues on his way, whistling a merry tune.
This post is an installment in a continuing series of content coordinated by theme or motif with posts from Enoch Allred of Chiltingham, Jon Fairbanks of Funkadelic Freestylings of Another Sort, Eli Z. McCormick and Miriam Allred of Modern Revelation!, John D. Moore of Whatnot Studios, Joseph Schlegel of Sour Mayonnaise, Sven Patrick Svensson of Sadness? Euphoria?, and William C. Stewart of Chide, Chode, Chidden. This week's theme: 'Disfigurement'.

1 comment:

Yarjka said...

That all seems about right.