I think I can safely say that I now enjoy this song in a non ironic way.
I look forward to the day ten years down the road when I hear this song in a deli and I remember the heady days of rickroll, a wistful expression crossing my face.
Being a little older than you whipper snappers I have always enjoyed this song in an un-ironic way. In fact, until recently I didn't know there was any other reason to like it (thanks John and Wikipedia for keeping me up on what the kids are up to).
But does it count as being "Rick-rolled" if you know full well what the link is to prior to being rickrolled?
Or does your post then become like ironic clapping?
clol Town is a collection of random thoughts I have that no one would hear otherwise and probably wouldn't care if they did. Regardless of that I hope it will make people clol.
clol (cello-el) n. 1. a melencholy laugh. 2. a dark and mature lol
Sir I shall no longer be Rickroll'd for I have added a Flash Blocker to my Fire-Fox.
I shall continue to be Rickroll'd. In fact, this blog caused me to be Rickroll'd.
I think I can safely say that I now enjoy this song in a non ironic way.
I look forward to the day ten years down the road when I hear this song in a deli and I remember the heady days of rickroll, a wistful expression crossing my face.
I had never known what it was like to have been Rick Rolled, but now I can truly say I do know what it's like.
Being a little older than you whipper snappers I have always enjoyed this song in an un-ironic way. In fact, until recently I didn't know there was any other reason to like it (thanks John and Wikipedia for keeping me up on what the kids are up to).
But does it count as being "Rick-rolled" if you know full well what the link is to prior to being rickrolled?
Or does your post then become like ironic clapping?
If you know what the link is it isn't really Rick Rolled. But that doesn't take away from the awesomeness of the song.
I thought you'd really recorded a funky dance.
I actually expected the actual funky dance that you actually recorded and actually posted on YouTube. And you were gonna show us how you do it.
You know, this one? The Puppet Master? Crazy ol' Zijjo.
You know, lies have compounding interest where sin is concerned, so you're racking up quite the bill.
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