Sunday, July 1, 2007

The difficult conversation

Now son, I know you think you're all cool in those ripped jeans, but its dangerous. I probably should have told you this earlier, but now is also a good time. Girls jump in holes. And when they jump in holes they may get pregnant. And if the holes are in your clothes that means you're the father. And I don't want you to be a father son. Its a bad idea. Trust me here you'll regret it for the rest of you're life.


John D. Moore said...

I can't say that I necessarily agree with Rodrigo here, but this is a brilliant piece of surrealism. Awesome.

G.C.C. said...

It seems to me, John, that the father character has some sound and practical advice, though a certain Irish gentleman with whom I am acquainted would certainly disagree with the advice presented by said father.

Eli McCormick said...

I wish my father had told me this when I was a child. It would have been nice to know.

Yarjka said...

I really ought to rip more holes in my jeans.