Thursday, April 9, 2009

First Supper

An optimist sat down to supper. "This supper is the first supper of the rest of my life!" A lighting bolt promptly struck him and killed him. A great voice shouted from the heavens "Make that you last supper!" God hates optimists

This post is an installment in a continuing series of content coordinated by theme or motif with posts from Enoch Allred of Chiltingham, John Allred of clol Town, Jon Fairbanks of Funkadelic Freestylings of Another Sort, Eli Z. McCormick and Miriam Allred of Modern Revelation!, John D. Moore of Whatnot Studios, Joseph Schlegel of Sour Mayonnaise, Sven Patrick Svensson of Sadness? Euphoria?, William C. Stewart of Chide, Chode, Chidden, and WiL Whitlark of The Real McJesus. This week's theme: 'A Last Supper'.

1 comment:

John D. Moore said...

You need to figure out how to make this into a cute object lesson with something small you can give to people and then teach it in Sunday schools. Oh, man!